Vitacid 0.1 Cream Tretinoin


(1 customer review)

Vitacid 0.1 Cream Tretinoin

Vitacid 0.1 is a topical acne medication with the content of Retinoic Acid or Retinoic Acid (tretinoin). Retinoic Acid increases mitosis and epidermal cell turnover as well as suppresses keratin synthesis. Increased permeability of the skin causes loss of fluid, making it easier to exfoliate and prevent exfoliation. Therefore, Vitacid Cream is effectively used for the treatment of comedogenic acne, papul, and pustules.

Tretinoin is also used to reduce fine wrinkles and to improve discoloration and skin that feels rough.
During the first 3 weeks you use tretinoin, your skin may experience irritation. In addition, your acne may get worse before it gets better. It may take more than 12 weeks before you see a complete improvement in your acne, even if you use the medication every day.

Tretinoin can indeed make your skin look younger since it works by increasing cell turnover, boosting collagen production, and reducing the breakdown of collagen.

Is tretinoin better than retinol? : Typically, patients looking to treat skin issues aggressively will opt for tretinoin as it usually gives faster and better results. Retinol, on the other hand, may be best suited for those looking for a relatively mild solution without the considerations of tretinoin.

When you first start using tretinoin, you may start with a lower percentage that you apply just two or three times a week. After two weeks, if your skin is adjusting well to the tretinoin, you can consider increasing use to every night as tolerated.

About Vitacid 0.1 Tretinoin Cream

  • General Indications:  Acne/akne vulgaris and photoaging
  • Category: Skin
  • Composition: Retinoic acid 0.1%
  • Dose: Apply 1x a day
  • Usage: Before going to bed at night
  • Packaging: Box, Tube @ 20 grams
  • Contra Indications: Acute dermatitis, eczema, rosasea
  • Manufacturing: SDM
  1. Tanni Viulin

    Strong tret cream

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