Stano Gold Pharma 10mg



Stano Gold Pharma 10mg

Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid type DHT (dehydrotestorone) used to make muscles dense & hard by suppressing estrogen levels in the body. Which should be remembered that: High Estrogen – > High Fat Body (Fatty) -> High Water Content (Wet Muscles)


  1. Lower the amount of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)
  2. Provides increased testoterone & other anabolic hormones to further exert anabolic activity on muscle tissue
  3. Increase protein synthesis as well as increase nitrogen retention in muscles
  4. Increase collagen synthesis in the body
  5. Increase sharpness & muscle density (suppress estrogen levels in the body)

About Stano Gold Pharma 10mg

  • Condition: New
  • Weight: 300 Gram
  • Category: Fitness Supplements
  • Catergory: Oral Steroids
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